Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Real World - by Bob Richard

My position is economic in premise, given that the industry I work in (automotive) is grossly affected. However, further arguments against irresponsible global trade extend hugely into environmental, carbon footprint, foreign ownership, loss of technology, jobs, pay equity, pensions, national security, health care, and so on..... There are literally hundreds of cases where our environment is being ravaged due to massive global transport - starting with the Japanese beetle in 1916, through to the present day zebra mussel, purple loosestrife, emerald ash borer, Asian carp, and the list goes on.

There are dozens of reasons and thousands of real world examples of how irresponsible global trade has hurt us and the developing industrial countries, yet, no one seems to care or do anything about it. The carbon footprint is another major reason. Worldwide production of cardboard has more than tripled in the last decade for overseas shipping. They take our trees and send us wood furniture goods, wrapped in cardboard, most in absurdly poor quality.
It needs to stop. We're being sold out. Our children are those who stand to loose the most. Our wealth, our freedom, our environment, our resources, and our sovereignty are compromised.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from you Bob. I think the point that I am trying to make is more fundamental. I say that our government should put the best interests of Canadians first and foremost. We should not be sacrificing jobs and wealth to satisfy the whims of the environmentalist movement and their special interests. As for Global Trade – I believe we should practice a strict policy of reciprocity – give no advantage to our trading partners.
    As I have shown in this blog there is a great deal of debate as to the efficacy of man made global warming theory. Our carbon footprints probably have little or no effect on the climate and can best be reduced with new and better technology. If the Copenhagen summit succeeds in an agreement to transfer wealth from Canada to corrupt third world countries or worse to the UN – we will all suffer a reduction in living standards.

    My goal with this blog is to enhance our sovereignty and energy self-sufficiency by proposing that we move Canada and most of the USA to a hydrogen economy. The premise is to harness the enormous power of the Wilderness Rivers that flow into Hudson Bay to produce hydrogen fuel. Canada can be the OPEC of hydrogen – no other country has the incredible potential that we have.

    Our north is vast and barren today with the population of Milton Ontario. It is under siege by other nations that don’t believe that we have control of our borders. A booming energy production industry would cement our claim to the north and enrich and integrate the indigenous people.

    So, I agree with you that we are being sold out – but not by global trade. We are under attack from those special interests that benefit from Government handouts. They know they must sell the politicians a scenario of doom and gloom – which only they can fix with millions of our dollars. These very people will fight us in our quest to become energy self-sufficient – I want to know them and their tactics so that we can win for Canadians.
