With COP15 well underway, we are witnessing the complete mutilation of freedom worldwide. When lord Christopher Monckton was rudely interrupted by chanting automatons the other day, he was quite right to refer to them as “Hitler Youth”. Why? Because they too blindly served a system that had a murderous and tyrannical apple-core, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people. The same applies to the current world government being constructed at the expense of developing nations, but (horribly ironical) implemented in the name of those same developing nations. The endgame was, is and always will be the extermination of a great many people. It is the New World Order’s intent to shake the tree of liberty so furiously, that most apples fall to the ground to rot and die. If the world government will be ratified, it will also snap the trunk.
Read more if you dare.
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