Wednesday, December 16, 2009

UN Sponsored Poster Campaign Depicts Humans As Evil Monsters

A new poster campaign sponsored by the United Nations depicts humans as evil horror movie monsters intent on slaughtering wildlife, another abhorrent example of how eugenicists are following through on the Club of Rome’s 1991 promise to portray Homo sapiens as the enemy in an effort to construct a world government around the pretext of saving the earth.

The three posters reverse the roles of famous horror movies Jaws, King Kong, and Tarantula, characterizing humans as rampaging monsters out to kill defenseless species. They were produced by the Center for Migratory Species.
The poster campaign is being sponsored by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), the world’s would-be environmental arm of the global government now being advanced in Copenhagen. Each poster features the UNEP logo at the bottom of the image.
UNEP is the regulatory body that established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the politicized organization that has attempted to slam the lid shut on global warming skepticism by claiming it is the supreme authority, despite the fact that scientists used by the IPCC were caught manipulating data and conspiring to “hide the decline” in global warming during the climategate scandal.

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