You have to assume that America's dying monodailies are now actively auditioning for state ownership. How else to explain the silence of the massed ranks of salaried "environmental correspondents" on the daily revelations emerging from the fast disintegrating "scientific consensus" on "climate change"? You get livelier coverage from the Chinese press.
But in competitive newspaper markets they still know a story when they see one. Surely the most worrying sign for the thuggish enforcers of "settled science" is that even the eco-lefties at The Guardian and The Independent, two of the most gung-ho warm-mongers on the planet, are beginning to entertain doubts. From The Independent:
Professor Jones and a colleague, Professor Wei-Chyung Wang of the State University of New York at Albany suggested in an influential 1990 paper in the journal Nature that the urban heat island effect was minimal – and cited as supporting evidence a long series of temperature measurements from Chinese weather stations, half in the countryside and half in cities, supplied by Professor Wei-Chyung...
However, it has been reported that when climate sceptics asked for the precise locations of the 84 stations, Professor Jones at first declined to release the details. And when eventually he did release them, it was found that for the ones supposed to be in the countryside, there was no location given. Read more.
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